Week Two:

-Project 1 is due today.
Please come to class ready to critique your work.

Great mini documentary on generative music.
3 hours of generative music with a Eurorack modular system.

– Read “The Aesthetics of Noise” available under the Downloads tab.
– Install AVR X on your mobile device. iOS | Android
– Install Adobe Audition on your Mac or PC.
– Watch the AVR X tutorial video available under the Tutorials tab.
– Start field recording and begin to build a library of audio for use in Project 2.

Week One

Welcome to Sound Art
This web site will serve as a point of communication between class meetings. Any information, announcements etc. that are of any importance will be posted here. Bookmark this page and check it frequently. I will also be adding more links, videos, downloads and other things as the semester progresses. All these things will expand on the material covered in class.

If you have anything you feel you would like to add in the way of links and points of interest, let us know and I’ll be sure to get it posted.

Sound Artist and pioneer Pauline Oliveros on the difference between hearing and listening.

Reading One: The Art of Noises: a manifesto by Luigi Russolo. Under the Downloads tab.
Begin work on Project 1. Due next class.