A Helping Hand 3 – Charity Sampler

Not for the Masses has released A Helping Hand 3, a benefit compilation featuring the music of over a dozen post-punk, minimal synth and darkwave bands from around the globe.

All sales proceeds will go to the German association Dunkelziffer which helps to protect abused children.

A Helping Hand 3 features the new and exclusive L’Avenir track Sans lumière which is supported by a new promotional video featured below.

Soleil Noir lumière drone box

Below is an early working prototype for the Soleil Noir Lumière Drone Box. A light to sound translation unit I’ve been designing. I’m hoping to add a few features soon and am even considering building a stereo version. The output in the demo video below is running through a small amount of reverb just to give it a bit of space and atmosphere. Every light source has its own unique sonic fingerprint while a quick strobing light can create some wild percussion like effects.

Soleil Noir Lumière Drone Box
Soleil Noir Lumière Drone Box – demo video – 1m 21s

Soleil Noir Dark Image Kollider v.1

More mangled video goodness with the Soleil Noir Dark Image Kollider v.1

After building a couple simple two and four channel glitch mixers last month, I wanted to design a device with even more I/O (both composite and 3.5mm) and flexibility for combining multiple analog video signals with options for on/off and level control at each input channel. Signals can be mixed via the 3.5mm patch area. Besides video feedback, these are great for combining things like video noise or oscillator signals too.

Below are a few still frames captured from the output. Signals being mangled together in the images below are a Sleepy Circuits Hypno, two unsynced saw and sine wave video oscillators, textured video noise and live composite camera input.

The Dark Image Kollider is one off prototype unit… for the time being.

Test 5

Recently, I cut together an 8 min experimental short with captured output from 2 and 4 channel glitch video mixers I build earlier this month. The internal feedback circuit I added to one unit created some amazing (Derek) Jarmanesque textures. You can check out the full video below.

Soleil Noir Dark Glitch Video Mixers

Recently, I’ve been experimenting with different ideas for expanding upon the simple 2 input glitch/dirty video mixer concept. Originally, I built a basic 2 channel analog box but decided to try building a 4 input unit with two mixing pots and mirrored outputs. The dual outputs are really great for a second monitor or feeding one back in to grind out more blooming, glitched feedback. I have a few ideas to try out on the next one for adding more extreme effects and possibly an internal feedback circuit. More soon 🙂